
Medical Advices & Check Ups

At Rogimitra, we believe in the importance of proactive healthcare and preventive measures to ensure your well-being. That's why we offer access to expert medical advice and checkups to help you stay on top of your health.

Our platform connects you with trusted healthcare professionals who can provide personalized medical advice tailored to your needs. Whether you have questions about a specific health concern, need guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or require assistance managing a chronic condition, our team of experts is here to help.
In addition to medical advice, Rogimitra offers convenient checkup services to monitor your health status and detect potential issues early on. From routine health screenings to comprehensive wellness exams, we provide the resources you need to prioritize your health and make informed decisions about your care.

Experience peace of mind knowing that you have access to expert medical advice and checkup services at your fingertips with Rogimitra. Take control of your health journey and start prioritizing your well-being today.

We’re here to care for you and your entire family. Regular visits to the doctor will depend on your age and general health!

  • Health assessments
  • Home medicine review
  • Fractures and dislocations
  • Desensitisation injections